Fast Forward College Coaching

College Coaching For Success
Guiding students to - and through - college by providing accountability, time management, organization and self-advocacy support

Supporting ALL College Learners
Exceptional rapport building with students who are feeling anxious, stressed or discouraged because of previous educational experiences.
A unique coaching approach that includes positive mindset coaching to address underlying identity struggles of diverse learners
Focused expertise on executive functioning skills needed in higher education
Weekly 1 : 1 virtual meetings throughout the school year and school breaks provide students with individualized daily and weekly goals, motivation-building and assistance in addressing barriers to success.
Struggling college students will learn strategies that help them become organized, improve time management skills, decrease procrastination, increase confidence, and build self-advocacy skills in order to allow students to manage their schedule and coursework successfully.
Individualized plan for each student with specific skill objectives and concrete steps to obtain each goal.
Frequent and transparent feedback to parents.

Making a Difference
"Hi, Jennifer. I wanted to reach out to thank you and Sanderson for your work with our son this past semester. We started the semester with a son who had lost his confidence and his way and we were unsure if our son would be able to stay in college. We had a goal to build his executive functioning skills and self-advocacy skills and achieve a 3.75 gpa for the semester, to bring his overall gpa back up to 3.0. It felt daunting.
He recently got his grades for the semester, and he achieved a 3.85 gpa and made the Dean's List. He is so happy to have achieved these goals. Hopefully, this will be the kind of success that builds lasting confidence.
I'm certain that this would not have been possible without your team's coaching. You and Sanderson did a great job figuring out what our son needed and making sure it happened. Again, thank you. The work you are doing really makes a difference."
-Kristen M,. parent