Fast Forward College Coaching

2 Self-Paced Online Courses

Prepare your student for the differences in learning supports between high school and college with our 2 self-paced online courses to complete at your student's own pace!
Available Courses:
What are College Supports? (free mini-course)
Exploring & Understanding Learning Supports in College
Executive Functioning Skill Building at Home - Strategies for Parents ** COMING SOON!! **
What are College Supports?
Topic: This free mini-course offers a preview of the information and expertise that you will learn in Fast Forward College Coaching's self-paced online courses. Students and parents will interact with 2 free lessons as Jennifer Sullivan introduces the learning and disability supports available on college campuses, a brief overview of the differences between high school and college learning support, advice for college tours, an introduction to accommodations in higher education and much more!
Format: Video, free pdf download for parents, free pdf downloadable worksheet for students
Cost: Free
Understanding & Exploring College Supports
Topic: learning and disability supports available on college campuses, a brief overview of the differences between high school and college learning support, advice for college tours, an introduction to accommodations in higher education
Cost: $299
Executive Functioning at Home - Tips for Parents
Topic: Fast Forward College Coaching are experts at helping students improve their time management, organization, planning, and goal setting skills necessary for college success. We want to share our strategies with you, parents, to empower you to prepare your students for the exciting journey in college. This course will provide an in-depth foundation of current research on the topic of executive functioning and the brain, an overview of the 8 executive functioning skills and how they impact your child's development at various ages, introduce strategies to increase time management, organization, how to address procrastination, inexpensive tools and systems to put in place in your home to support and build executive functioning skills and much more! As the experts in college readiness and college transition, we know that your student will be better prepared for college success in the future with EF skill building now!
Format: Videos, 2 pdf downloadable infographics, 2 pdf worksheets for students
Cost: $299
Watch our FAQ Video
Watch this short video featuring Jennifer Sullivan, founder of Fast Forward College Coaching, as she answers commonly asked questions about our 3 courses.