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College Students

Workshops Offered
All-Year Long

Learn how to build executive functioning skills at home & prepare your students for college with our variety of free and low cost informative workshops.

We Are the Experts in Executive Functioning Skills Needed For College Success!

The skills needed for college success can be built through repetition, compassionate instruction and rapport building by experienced coaches. Fast Forward College Coaching are experts at helping students improve their time management, organization, planning, and goal setting skills. We also work with students to decrease procrastination & increase motivation in preparation for college!


Our 3 workshop options build on each other to create a structured executive functioning curriculum that supports your learner from freshman year in high school through college. Find out more below! 

"Jennifer's workshops are so informative!  My son's eyes were opened to the things he needed to be doing to get ready for college this summer. It was nice having him hear it from someone other than his mom! "
-Sandra W., Parent from CT

Students Sitting on Staircase
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Workshop Options


CT and RI families are invited to our Waterford, CT location to attend small group workshops. We host groups of 2-4 individuals in our comfortable office as well as hosting workshops with community partners for larger group settings.


We invite educators & families from around the country to attend our virtual presentations.  Typically held at 7pm EST our workshops are 1 hour and always include a generous question and answer portion to address your personal questions. We love questions!


We offer 2 part workshops that start with a large group virtual presentation followed by an individual follow-up meeting either virtually or in our CT office. Designed for all types of learners!

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