Fast Forward College Coaching
I Want to Hear Your Student's Story
.... As Long As it Takes
Students have educational and life journeys that aren't a straight line. They may look more like a roller coaster and you, the parent, know the whole story. The ins and outs, the ups and downs. Your perspective is important because you have lived the story as much as your student has experienced it.
Our first phone call will be as long as you need it to be. I listen to as much or as little as you want to share. I understand learning struggles that overlap with mental health challenges. Attention diagnosis that exist with autism and depression. No apologies needed for sharing a long story. I'm here to listen .... to all of it.

My Story
I'm a mother of two teenage daughters. I have sat across the table as a parent at a PPT meeting and felt like my voice wasn't heard, like my experiences weren't valid. I've talked to professional clinicians who ignored my thoughts and didn't want to include me in treatment plans. That will never happen at Fast Forward College Coaching. Listening to you is important because you know your student best. I will listen as long as it takes.